On Dec 15, 2009, at 8:26 AM, wcl...@gfs-hofheim.de wrote:
> This is a quick email just to gauge interest in a number of patches  
> I've
> created for Sqlite over the last year or so.

Your best bet would probably be to clone the SQLite Fossil repository  
and publish your own private branch as there will likely be problems  
in getting these patches into the core:

(1) Have your patches been fully documented and have you generated  
automated test cases that provide 100% MC/DC and branch test  
coverage?  I'm guessing not and yet those are requirements for new  
features in the core.

(2) The features you mention are not standard SQL and they are not  
features that have been requested by any major user of SQLite (Major  
users are projects like Firefox, Adobe Photoshop, Apple OS-X and  
iPhone, Android, etc.)

(3) Adding new keywords to the language can break legacy code that  
happens to use those keywords as identifiers.

(4) We work hard to prevent feature creep in SQLite.  Accepting these  
patches seems contrary to that goal.

(5) Germany recognizes "droits moraux" which some people tell me is  
incompatible with SQLite's concept of public domain.  Certainly the  
fact that you are German citizen (I presume from your domain name)  
complicates the process of clearing IP rights for your code such that  
it can be included in the SQLite core.

Maintaining a fork of SQLite using Fossil is not difficult.  A sketch  
of one solution can be found at http://www.sqlite.org/ 
privatebranch.html  and there is an updated version of that document  
at http://www.sqlite.org/draft/privatebranch.html that I prepared in  
response to this very issue and which will be in the next official  
release of SQLite.

D. Richard Hipp

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