D. Richard Hipp wrote on 15/12/2009 17:05:31:

> (1) Have your patches been fully documented and have you generated 
> automated test cases that provide 100% MC/DC and branch test 
> coverage?  I'm guessing not and yet those are requirements for new 
> features in the core.

I believe they are fully documented; I try my best!
I can't say for sure about 100% MC/DC and branch testing coverage since I 
have not much experience in the tools you use.  However, I have created a 
good number of test cases in the style of the tcl-based testing that is 
part of the general source, although I would not be bold/rash enough to 
suggest that they are perfect.  Would it be possible to enquire what would 
be necessary to do to ensure proper testing?

> (2) The features you mention are not standard SQL and they are not 
> features that have been requested by any major user of SQLite (Major 
> users are projects like Firefox, Adobe Photoshop, Apple OS-X and 
> iPhone, Android, etc.)

This is a fair point and I cannot dispute it.  They are blessed that the 
database met their needs so precisely!

> (3) Adding new keywords to the language can break legacy code that 
> happens to use those keywords as identifiers.

This is also true and I was careful in my choices.

> (4) We work hard to prevent feature creep in SQLite.  Accepting these 
> patches seems contrary to that goal.

Yes, it would.  Again, I cannot dispute it.

> (5) Germany recognizes "droits moraux" which some people tell me is 
> incompatible with SQLite's concept of public domain.  Certainly the 
> fact that you are German citizen (I presume from your domain name) 
> complicates the process of clearing IP rights for your code such that 
> it can be included in the SQLite core.

I didn't realise.  I wonder if it matters then that I'm not a German 
citizen, but British and only working in Germany...  Does it matter what 
the country recognises, if I state what *my* intentions are?  (Yes, 
obviously, I've never even been near a lawyer!!!)

> Maintaining a fork of SQLite using Fossil is not difficult.

At the moment I am doing this on my local machine.

I think I was not really clear in my first email: I was just offering 
something back to the community.  I didn't want to go to the trouble of 
creating patches no-one wanted.  However, it seems some do, so I will for 
those people.  Obviously if it makes it into Sqlite itself, great!  But 
this wasn't my goal which was simply to offer patches that enable people 
to do things that I found were not originally possible, and because I'm a 
fan of the database and hoping that I can "share freely, never taking more 
than [I] give" as stipulated in the blessing!

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