
I would like to make writes to my SQLite db faster.

I was thinking about the Async method, but I think I remember reading
somewhere that it may cause database corruption.

Now I read something on the Mozilla pages, and I don't understand what
exactely they are doing.

Do they bundle everything in transactions only or do they in fact use the
Async method?
It is not clear to me by reading through their articles.

It would be nice if somebody could clear me up on this issue.

Here is the article:

Lazy writing

Mozilla has relaxed the ACID requirements in order to speed up commits. In
particular, we have dropped durability. This means that when a commit
returns, you are not guaranteed that the commit has gone through. If the
power goes out right away, that commit may (or may not) be lost. However, we
still support the other (ACI) requirements. This means that the database
will not get corrupted. If the power goes out immediately after a commit,
the transaction will be like it was rolled back: the database will still be
in a consistent state.

Higher commit performance is achieved by writing to the database from a
separate thread (see
is associated with the storage service in
The main database thread does everything exactly as it did before. However,
we have overridden the file operations and everything comes through the
AsnycIO module. This file is based on
the sqlite distribution.

The AsyncIO module packages writes up in messages and puts them on the write
thread's message queue. This write thread waits for messages and processes
them as fast as it can. This means that writes, locking, and most
importantly, disk syncs, only block the AsyncIO thread. Reads are done
synchronously, taking into account unwritten data still in the buffer.
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