Sure.  This script can use a lot of aesthetic improvement, but it
highlights processing the data in a single process.

The question would be, how to modify the script to process the data in
with parallel processes?

- Robert

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 4:36 AM, Sylvain Pointeau
<> wrote:
> a good thing would have been to generate one file with all the statements...
> if you do that then you run sqlite with this file surrounded by transaction
> begin/commit
> echo "begin transaction" >> update.sql
> sqlite3 -separator $'\t' sample.db 'select rowid, item from foo;' |
> while read rowid item ; do
>  status=$(long_running_process "${item}" )
>  echo "update foo set status=${status} where rowid=${rowid} ;" >> update.sql
> done
> echo "commit transaction" >> update.sql
> sqlite3 sample.db < update.sql
> Best regards,
> Sylvain
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Robert Citek <>wrote:
>> Are there some white papers or examples of how to do updates in
>> parallel using sqlite?
>> I have a large dataset in sqlite that I need to process outside of
>> sqlite and then update the sqlite database.  The process looks
>> something like this:
>> sqlite3 -separator $'\t' sample.db 'select rowid, item from foo;' |
>> while read rowid item ; do
>>  status=$(long_running_process "${item}" )
>>  sqlite3 sample.db "update foo set status=${status} where rowid=${rowid} ;"
>> done
>> Because long_running_process takes a long time, I could speed up the
>> overall time by running more than one long_running_process at the same
>> time.  One way to do this would be to segment the data and run a
>> separate process on each segment.  For the update each process would
>> collect the status data "outside" of the sample.db, e.g in a separate
>> database.  When all the processes have finished, the parent process
>> would attach the separate databases and update the original database.
>> When all is done, the parent process would clean up the ancillary
>> databases.
>> I was just wondering if there are other ways to do this that I may be
>> overlooking.
>> Thanks in advance to pointers to any references.
>> Regards,
>> - Robert
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