On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:13 PM, John Elrick <john.elr...@fenestra.com> wrote:
> Robert Citek wrote:
>> Are there some white papers or examples of how to do updates in
>> parallel using sqlite?
> I could be misunderstanding your requirements, but this sounds a little
> like Map Reduce:
> http://labs.google.com/papers/mapreduce.html

Not sure, but quite possibly.  I'm reading up more on mapreduce.

> The only point I'd question is your assertion that you could speed up
> the overall time by running more than one long running process at the
> same time.  You *might* be able to do so up to the limit of the cores in
> the machine or by distributing the load over many machines, however, the
> implication to me of a long running process is something that is
> consuming large amounts of CPU time.

What I mean is that long_running_process (LRP) takes a long time to
run relative to updating a record in a sqlite database.  LRP's
bottleneck could be CPU or I/O or network lag or something else.  I'm
also assuming that if multiple LRPs are running, then they will
negligibly compete with each other for resources.  For example, if the
LRP is CPU-limited and the machine has only 4 cores, then there will
be at most 4 LRPs running at any given time.

> It is possible that running
> multiple processes per processor could actually increase the total
> amount of time due to process swap overhead.

The ideal would be to have a general framework that works on a single
CPU, multiple-CPUs/Cores, and multiple machines.

A google search for mapreduce led to this project:


I'll probably give that a try if for no other reason than to get more
familiar with mapreduce.

Thanks, John.

- Robert
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