I would be very interested to see some benchmark, just to see.....

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Nicolas Williams

> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:36:56AM +0100, Sylvain Pointeau wrote:
> > echo "begin transaction" >> update.sql
> >
> > sqlite3 -separator $'\t' sample.db 'select rowid, item from foo;' |
> > while read rowid item ; do
> >  status=$(long_running_process "${item}" )
> >  echo "update foo set status=${status} where rowid=${rowid} ;" >>
> update.sql
> > done
> >
> > echo "commit transaction" >> update.sql
> >
> > sqlite3 sample.db < update.sql
> More aesthetic (since it seems to matter :)
> (
> echo "begin transaction"
> sqlite3 -separator $'\t' sample.db 'select rowid, item from foo;' |
>    while read rowid item ; do
>        status=$(long_running_process "${item}" )
>        echo "update foo set status=${status} where rowid=${rowid} ;"
>     done
> echo "commit transaction"
> ) | sqlite3 sample.db
> Now to parallelize this:
> function par_updates {
>    typeset -i n
>    n=$1
>    shift
>    (
>    trap "((n++))" CHLD
>    echo "begin transaction"
>     sqlite3 -separator $'\t' sample.db 'select rowid, item from foo;' |
>    while read rowid item
>    do
>         while ((n == 0))
>        do
>            sleep 1
>        done
>        (echo "update foo set status=$("$@") where rowid=$rowid;") &
>        ((n--))
>    done
>    echo "commit transaction"
>    ) | sqlite3 sample.db
> }
> You should run this like so:
> par_updates 20 long_running_program [arguments]
> It should run up to 20 processes to generate the updates.  And it should
> batch all updates into one transaction.
> I've not tested this, but it should work with recent versions of ksh93
> and bash.  (Older versions of ksh93 might not handle the SIGCHLD trap
> correctly, IIRC.)
> Nico
> --
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