Here the issue is comes when it imports configuration, the script throws an
error, since this is users group, I thought some esprts who can figure out
the issue from script, DON'T YOU?

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:

> On 30 Jan 2010, at 4:00pm, Vasanta wrote:
> > Thanks Simon. actually I have one sql file contains all tables info
> > (system.sql, then system.db file gets created using this command "sqlite3
> > < system.sql), then lua script runs on this database file
> using
> > default configuration (restoreDB.lua system.db def_config_ascii), then
> this
> > problem comes.
> Read the error messages you posted, they all say the same thing: "I tried
> to make <x> but it's already there.".  Whatever process is spitting out
> these errors is expecting to find a blank database, not one which already
> has schema in it.  It is complaining because when it tries to fill the blank
> database from scratch, things it's trying to create are already there.
> This is not a bug in sqlite.  sqlite is doing everything right.  You should
> take this matter up with whoever wrote the software you're using, or whoever
> supplied those files to you, or whoever told you which commands to issue in
> which order.
> > I have those files, can I attach here?.
> No, do not try to send them over the mailing list.
> Simon.
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