No, we don't. We can help sometimes when script contains about 5 short
lines of code, but not with some big complicated scripts. For help
with those scripts you should go to script authors.

This group is for problems with using SQLite - when you see that
SQLite behaves not in a way you expect or returns error when you think
it shouldn't (note, your "table insert failed for eventLog" is not
something SQLite returned). In these cases you can narrow the error
use case to some small amount of sql statements so that we can
reproduce it and explain to you what's the problem. So if you really
want us to help, look in your script, find where it prints "table
insert failed for eventLog", find what sql statement it executes
there, what actual error code SQLite returns. If all this information
doesn't give you any hint on what's happening post it here (sql
statement and actual error code only plus definitions of tables
involved in sql statement). In this case we will be able to give you
some hints and ask you what information is needed to tell something
more definitive if necessary.


On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Vasanta <> wrote:
> Here the issue is comes when it imports configuration, the script throws an
> error, since this is users group, I thought some esprts who can figure out
> the issue from script, DON'T YOU?
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Simon Slavin <> wrote:
>> On 30 Jan 2010, at 4:00pm, Vasanta wrote:
>> > Thanks Simon. actually I have one sql file contains all tables info
>> > (system.sql, then system.db file gets created using this command "sqlite3
>> > < system.sql), then lua script runs on this database file
>> using
>> > default configuration (restoreDB.lua system.db def_config_ascii), then
>> this
>> > problem comes.
>> Read the error messages you posted, they all say the same thing: "I tried
>> to make <x> but it's already there.".  Whatever process is spitting out
>> these errors is expecting to find a blank database, not one which already
>> has schema in it.  It is complaining because when it tries to fill the blank
>> database from scratch, things it's trying to create are already there.
>> This is not a bug in sqlite.  sqlite is doing everything right.  You should
>> take this matter up with whoever wrote the software you're using, or whoever
>> supplied those files to you, or whoever told you which commands to issue in
>> which order.
>> > I have those files, can I attach here?.
>> No, do not try to send them over the mailing list.
>> Simon.
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