> In part, this is a very broad question but I hope it's not unacceptable.
> From a birdseye perspective, what is involved in integrating an
> interpreted
> scripting language with a database engine?  I am aware that SQLite
> supports
> loadable extensions, but would the SQLite architecture also permit the
> integration of an interpreted scripting language?   An integrated
> scripting
> language makes an already powerful database engine orders of magnitude
> more
> useful especially when one is solving ad hoc data problems requiring very
> rapid turnaround.  SQlite with, say, an ActionScript interpreter (ala
> MS-Access->VBA) would be an amazingly powerful desktop tool. Do you know
> of
> any project pursuing such an integration?

Integrating the relational DBMS and the expressive Turing-complete
programming language is what my Muldis database project is largely about. 
See http://search.cpan.org/dist/Muldis-D/ for the spec, now at version
0.124.0.  Its designed to scale and work well with feature sets ranging
from SQLite to Oracle.  I'm halfway through hitting a major milestone now,
0.124.0 being the first half of that, and if its not inappropriate I'll
send an announcement to the SQLite list following the second half in a
couple days. -- Darren Duncan

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