SQLite Expert (which I use extensively in the Pro version) enforces
> displaying types as declared.  So if you declare your column as INTEGER
> (or INT, ...) then it will display integers regardless of the actual
> individual data type using common conversions.  This is a side effect
> of the Delphi grid component that Bogdan uses.
Although the topic is no longer active, the problem is interesting and I
thought about this recently
There's something sqlite-aware administration tools would implement. It's
not that hard when data retrieval is in progress to compare the type one
want to retrieve to the result of sqlite3_column_type function. Since some
lines of the conversion table listed at
http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html will likely have lossy
conversions, it is always possible to detect such state and show a warning
about possible conflicts. If the user does not want it, ok, select "never
show again" and forget about it, but personally I'd never switch it off.

Sure it's not a problem for tools that always use sqlite3_bind_text for
display purpuses.

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