The SQLite cache size is in pages (2000 by default), so by increasing
the page size 8x, you're also increasing the cache size and memory
requirements by 8x.  Not saying it's a bad thing, just something to be
aware of.

If you want to compare 1K and 8K page size and only compare the effect
page size has, you should either increase the cache size to 16000 for
1K pages or decrease the cache to 250 for 8K pages.

The other thing to be aware of is that SQLite will not allow a row to
cross 2 pages.  (It does allow a row to be larger than a page, using
an overflow page.)  So for example, if your page size is 1024 and row
size is 512 bytes, you can fit 2 rows on a page.  I'm simplifying this
somewhat and ignoring internal SQLite data, but you get the idea.  If
your row size is 513 bytes, you will have 511 bytes of waste on each
page, so 50% of your database will be "air".  As your row size heads
toward 1024 there will be less waste.  At 1025 bytes, SQLite will
start splitting rows into overflow pages, putting 1024 bytes into the
overflow page and 1 byte in the btree page.  These numbers aren't
right, but illustrate the point.

So to find a good page size, experiment and measure.

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On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Teg <> wrote:
> Hello Greg,
> I found this to be the case too. The difference between 1K and 8K is
> staggering. I default all my windows DB's to 8K now.
> Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 1:59:29 PM, you wrote:
> GB> I'm currently dealing with a similar issue. I've found that the page_size
> GB> PRAGMA setting can have a dramatic effect on how long it takes to "warm 
> up"
> GB> the table. On Windows 7, with page_size=1024, a SELECT COUNT(last_column)
> GB> takes 40.2 seconds. page_size=4096 takes 15.5 seconds. page_size=8192 
> takes
> GB> 8.5 seconds. This was done with a reboot between each test.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Teg                  
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