On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Max Vlasov <max.vla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, yesterday something struck me I can do similar tests on an Asus T91MT
> having SSD as the storage. I got similar timings to Greg's. So it seems like
> page size is a very sensitive parameter for solid state drives. Looks like
> having the page_size lower than the cluster size on NTFS file drive will
> have very high price for scanning-intensive operations. [...]

Page size (typically a power of two larger than or equal to 12, i.e.,
4KB) and _alignment_ are critical in SSD applications.  Make
absolutely sure that the partition alignment is such that the
filesystem can ensure 4KB blocks starting at 4KB boundaries on SSDs,
or larger blocks starting on 4KB or larger boundaries.

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