On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 1:51 AM, Greg Barker <fle...@fletchowns.net> wrote:

> I ran my tests again, this time setting the cache_size based on the
> page_size. For some reason I wasn't able to replicate the timing I got
> before for the 1024 page size (40.2 seconds) which is really confusing me,
> since I was careful to make sure nothing was running in the background
> while
> I was testing.
> page_size/cache_size: SELECT COUNT time
> 1024/2000: 20.83s
> 4096/500: 14.4s
> 8192/250: 8.8s
> 16384/125: 5.0s
> 32768/62: 3.6s
> I'm assuming reducing the cache size like that will definitely have an
> impact on the performance of an actual application? Optimizing performance
> for an application where both the queries and data can take many different
> shapes and sizes is beginning to seem like quite a daunting task. What do
> you do if there could be anywhere between 30-150 columns?
Greg, first, I suggest to forget about sqlite cache for scanning operations.
This is because the os cache is also used and it's a known fact that they
sometimes store the same data twice, so disabling or decreasing one still
leaves another in effect.

I saw that the db you have is about 400 MB in size. Giving this, if the
fastest is 3.6 seconds, you have a very fast harddrive. Can you confirm
this? The scanning of such big base with at least 5-years old hd definitely
should be 10 seconds or even slower. Did you reboot your comp this time? By
the way, a faster way to clear the system cache for a particular file is to
"touch" the file with CreateFile(...FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING).

I tried to emulate your base with a table
CREATE TABLE [TestTable] ([Id] Integer Primary key autoincrement, [a] Text,
[b] Text, [c] Text, [d] Text);
and filling it with 1,000,000 records having a, b,c,d about 100 bytes each.
I saw no big difference between 1024 and 8192 page sizes. When copy the db
to Nul took about 20 seconds, 1024-select count took 25 seconds and 8192 -
20 seconds.

Anyway, select count usually is a very slow operation regardless of the
tweaks we can use, almost in every scenario it's equivalent to reading all
the data of the table. I suppose the only exception is if your records is
very big to take advantage of bypassing overflow data. So, probably in a
table with 100 records each containing a 1MB text, 'select count' will be
very fast

Max Vlasov
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