Joe Mistachkin wrote:

>The test case I added for this issue is remarkably similar to your code, 
>except it uses a different schema (the Northwind sample database) and does not 
>re-throw the exception in the catch block (it simply writes it to the console 
>The one
>modification I would make to your code is explicitly opening the connection 
>just inside the TransactionScope using block (like my test case does).  
>Without that, the .NET Framework may try to open more than one connection to 
>the underlying database, which could >cause some problems (it did for me).  
>For example, try this

I try this now but with no success. Did it work at your test case? If yes, can 
you send me your testcode, so I can look for difference to my?

>Also, keep in mind that only the rows of data that are not causing any error 
>will be added to the database.  Any rows that fail constraints will not be 

Yes this is ok, I don't want to destroy the Db. ;)
I just want the result like in the SQLite doku, like:

Dataset 1 (Success in DB)
Dataset 2 (Success in DB)
Dataset 3 (Failure not in DB)
Dataset 4 (Success in DB)
Dataset 5 (Success in DB)

But for now I only get:

Dataset 1 (Success in DB)
Dataset 2 (Success in DB)
Dataset 3 (Failure not in DB)
Dataset 4 (never happens)
Dataset 5 (never happens)

Steffen Mangold
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