On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 06:31:33 -0700, Chris Mets <chrism...@hotmail.com>

> Thanks for the response.  In the solution you propose,
> the view is no longer a parameterized view. I assume
> you suggest putting the select statement with the
> paramterized where clause in the code. In my question,
> I simplified the query. In reality, it is a huge query
> (view with left join to two sub-views). I prefer to
> avoid embedded that SQL complexity into my code.
> A parameterized view allows me to do that just fine
> in other SQL engines, but apparently not SQLite.

I can think of a few workarounds:

In an application, it might be an option to create the view with fancy
values as placeholders like par1,par2 instead of ? in the WHERE clause.
When you want to use it, retrieve the view from sqlite_master(sql),
strip 'CREATE VIEW viewname AS' from the sql string, replace the fancy
values by the correct placeholders and then run it.

Some SQLite browsers allow a user to right click on a text cell in a
result set grid and select 'execute as sql' from the contextmenu. It
will then prompt for actual values for any placeholders.
The text can be anything, even a select statement with placeholders.

I know sqlite3explorer (by Mike Cariotoglou) allows this.


In some use cases I offered a "Search" table with end user descriptions
and sql parameter statements which could easily be used as described


Kees Nuyt

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