"Rob Willett" wrote...

Can I add my very first piece of advice after listening and reading for the last 6-9 months :)

I’ll second what Simon says, I use the very same technique for a table with 4M+ records in and its so fast I thought I had an error and looked for bugs in my code. I assumed (incorrectly) that it would be very slow, It isn’t.

I’ll also add one other piece of advice to the people clogging up the list on hot journals with childish comments. I’m a very old developer, C and UNIX, well into my 4th decade of programming. I have learnt over the years that some things I know very well and some things (SQL and SQLIte are excellent examples) I’m a novice and a noob and a newbie and all those other words we use. This list is an excellent source of knowledge and very valuable (both in terms of time and money). I have learnt an awful lot from reading the mails here, there are often very good questions and normally excellent answers from people who take a significant amount of time to understand the problem and to write comprehensive replies. I thank all the people who write such good replies and maintain the high quality of the mailing list. It is very rare indeed to have short and curt answers to people who make the effort to write a decent question.

Whilst I cannot add much to any SQL discussion (point one above excepted, of which I’m sinfully proud to have contributed something at long last, even if its only to confirm what somebody else has done), I have come to realise that the people who answer here are real experts, I will not embarrass them by naming names, and if they say something which disagrees with what I think or have done, my first thought now is to challenge what I think and how I do it, because there is a very, very, very good chance I am wrong and the people here on the list are right. I’m old enough not to be bothered by admitting I got it wrong, and that other people know SQLite better than I do.

There, I’ll now go back to the rock from which I came and lurk for another 9 months :)

Thanks for all the input and very best wishes,


Thanks for this Rob. I also want to thank the wonderful folks that provide support and answers to the newbies and oldies. Thanks so much.

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