On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:06:36 +0530, Sky Meena <sky.me...@gmail.com>

> how to set a password to open a sqlite  db in sqlite browser

Answered in a different thread 2 minutes ago.


Kees Nuyt

>On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 7:18 AM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
>> On 2014/07/16 14:55, Rob Willett wrote:
>>  I’ll second what Simon says, I use the very same technique for a table
>>> with 4M+ records in and its so fast I thought I had an error and looked for
>>> bugs in my code.  I >assumed (incorrectly) that it would be very slow, It
>>> isn’t.
>> In a similar fashion I had made this system for basically loading CSV
>> files into an SQLite DB, then running all kinds of rules on it (which I
>> could make with a designer) such as search-replace, substitute column
>> values, do checks, delete rows with empty values in a certain column, etc.
>> etc. and then finally export it to a CSV again, all basically streamlining
>> a datafeed alteration process into a one-click thing. The viewer I used was
>> based on a method discussed in another thread where the virtual view would
>> get actual data only for items in the visible field by primary key. I
>> tested it with some CSV tables over 250MB big resulting in 10mil+ rows, and
>> here was my surprise, whether I looked at the top of the list, or the
>> bottom, or anywhere else, the data retrieval was instantaneous - retrieving
>> a page worth of records at whatever speed I can scroll the vertical
>> scrollbar - not a single slow-down as I got further down or indeed any
>> other slowness. I have come to expect great performance from SQLite as a
>> standard, but I am still often surprised at just how quick it can be.
>> (btw: This app is freely shared if anyone needs something of the kind or
>> fancy testing the above, just mail me)
>>  ...// I have come to realise that the people who answer here are real
>>> experts, I will not embarrass them by naming names//...
>> Oh don't worry, we know exactly who you mean... ;)
>> It's Igor right?
>> We all want to be like Igor when we grow up... *sighs dreamily*
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