On 17 Jul 2014, at 10:03pm, veeresh kumar <veeru...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I did google aswell :-)...I did set PRAGMA temp_store = 1 (PRAGMA temp_store 
> = FILE). But it did not help. I get SQLITE_NOMEM error message.

What version of SQLite are you using ?  The simplest way is probably to tell us 
the result of "sqlite_version()" give by your own application.

Are you using any PRAGMAs at all in your code ?  In other words, can we assume 
that all PRAGMAs are set to their defaults ?

If you open your database in the SQLite shell tool and execute "PRAGMA 
integrity_check;" on it, do you get an error ?

If you open your database in the SQLite shell tool and execute "VACUUM;" on it, 
do you still get an error ?

> Its not a space issue as I do have enough space in the hard drive.

Just to make this clear, do you have at least three times as much free space on 
your hard drive as the size of the database ?

I am sorry for these detailed questions which may seem to be attacking you, but 
we have run out of obvious causes for this problem and are trying to check all 
the unlikely things.

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