On 2014/07/18 16:30, Nelson, Erik - 2 wrote:
veeresh kumar wrote:

Now I am running the the application on D: Drive (it has 841 GB free
  space) and C: drive has space (333 GB free). It looks like VACUUM uses
C:drive space ??? Also command seems to be working fine...

Maybe I'm missing something, but I felt like this was pretty clearly answered 

PRAGMA temp_store_directory returns and controls the directory that is used for 
temp files.  You can query it, and it will  probably resolve to your C: drive, 
which is probably where your TEMP or TMP environment variables point.

If your temp store directory doesn't have enough space, the VACUUM will fail.

And to add, you can change this by changing the TEMP or TMP directive in your OS, it is not up to SQLite to decide where your OS intends temp files to be, but it is changable.

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