On 1 Aug 2015, at 4:42pm, Jean-Christophe Deschamps <jcd at antichoc.net> wrote:

> Indeed and I'm surprised noone mentionned this from the very start of this 
> thread: Nulls. There is no real provision in the RFC to represent Null, or 
> distinguish Null from an empty string.

Just to deambiguate that, the first is true, not the second.  There's no way to 
specify NULL in a CSV file, just like there's no way to specify a number.  An 
empty string is a value of zero characters, not NULL.

Values in CSV files are not typed.  A string of characters is a value.  It's up 
to the reading program to know whether it wants a string or a number or 
possibly a NULL, and what to look for to make sure that the value can be 
interpreted like that.  If your reading program wants to interpret NULL as NULL 
and "NULL" as a string, that's not in contradiction of the CSV file format.


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