On 2015-08-01 05:42 PM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
> At 16:36 01/08/2015, Igor wrote:
> ????
>> There are many real problems with CSV - no need to make up imaginary 
>> ones.
> `---
> Indeed and I'm surprised noone mentionned this from the very start of 
> this thread: Nulls. There is no real provision in the RFC to represent 
> Null, or distinguish Null from an empty string.

Nobody mentions it because it is as irrelevant as bemoaning the fact 
that CSV cannot store lawn-chairs or Java objects. It wasn't intended to 
do so.  Neither, for that matter, does it store Integers or Reals as you 
go on to mention - It is completely typeless (moreso than SQLite). It 
stores only one single thing: Strings. It has only one single guide: How 
to correctly add /the string/ to a row and column and how to read it 
back. How you interpret those strung-together characters is up to the 
composer/decomposer (as Simon mentioned) - the CSV standard has no 
feelings about it.

For extra fun - How must a value that are both in and not in quotes be 
interpreted? i.e if I have this csv line, what values must the parser 
end up with?:

1, "2", "3" 4, 5 "6", 7

> I've long established my own convention to transfer data between the 
> language I use most (AutoIt), CSV files and SQLite and I'm very happy 
> with that.

i.e. You've made your own file specification using the CSV standard as a 
kick-off point.
Nice job though!

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