On 6/4/15, Darko Volaric <lists at darko.org> wrote:
> My point about JSON, etc is that there is no reason not to use that as a
> query language if that makes it easier. If your system is efficient with
> JSON, why not accept a query that is formatted as JSON? It's not
> semantically different to SQL syntax. Here's an example (with a roughly
> JSON notation):
> {
>   operation: "insert"
>   table: "blah"
>   columns: ["a", "b", "c"]
>   values: [1.3, 2.0, 3.1]
>   on-conflict: "replace"
> }
> That is equivalent to an INSERT SQL statement, but why form that SQL
> string, possibly using memory and time, when your system can spit out JSON
> (or whatever) effortlessly?

What is the JSON equivalent to the query shown below?  Can you
honestly say that the JSON equivalent (whatever it looks like) is
somehow easier to generate, read, parse, and/or debug than the SQL?

  sp.name, st.bug_name,
  (SELECT cve_desc FROM nvd_data WHERE cve_name = st.bug_name),
  (SELECT debian_cve.bug FROM debian_cve
    WHERE debian_cve.bug_name = st.bug_name
    ORDER BY debian_cve.bug),
  (SELECT pn.fixed_version FROM package_notes AS pn
    WHERE pn.bug_name = st.bug_name
      AND pn.package = sp.name
      AND(pn.release = sp.release OR (pn.release = '' AND
fixed_version != ''))),
  (SELECT range_remote FROM nvd_data WHERE cve_name = st.bug_name),
  (SELECT comment FROM package_notes_nodsa AS nd
    WHERE nd.package = sp.name AND nd.release = sp.release
      AND nd.bug_name = st.bug_name) AS nodsa
   source_package_status AS st,
   source_packages AS sp, bugs
   sp.rowid = st.package
   AND st.bug_name = bugs.name
   AND ( st.bug_name LIKE 'CVE-%' OR st.bug_name LIKE 'TEMP-%' )
   AND ( sp.release = 'sid' OR sp.release = 'stretch' OR sp.release = 'jessie'
          OR sp.release = 'wheezy' OR sp.release = 'squeeze' )
ORDER BY sp.name, st.bug_name, sp.release, sp.subrelease;

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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