I've refrained to comment about the OP linked page but I can't resist 
that long. I won't enter the C, C--, C++, C#, Java, Python, COBOL, 
Basic, assembler, Ruby, YouNameIt sub-debate.

I found the rant on MozillaWiki way too wrong on too many points to 
keep quiet.

While I can agree with some of the most obvious "don't be dumb" 
remarks, there are many things that can't be let unchallenged. And I 
don't appreciate the overall tone: "WE at MozillaBigBalls are all 
clever enough to use SQLite smartly but you mere mortals are not, so 
don't even think to use that fragile piece of softawre."

In it's introduction, the blurb talks about SQLite hidden complexity. 
Then it avdises Mozilla pluggin developers to avoid SQLite at almost 
any rate, due to "performance reasons", and recommends compressed 
JSON/logs instead.

That's very odd, to say the least.

All regular readers of this list have seen a number of threads where 
the intricacies of how hard it is to guarantee both some concurrency 
and ACID properties down to magnetic surface or chips' gates is 
difficult in the general case.

You all know that SQLite actually uses all possible steps to bring this 
guarantee the closest possible to reality. Yet this guy(s) advocate 
that *-every-* pluggin devs should independently roll his own storage 
layer mostly from scratch, while pointing out the unstabilityor 
uncertainty associated with  mobile devices processes/OSes. That is 
nothing but calling for (1) huge number of new entertaining bugs (2) at 
best, duplicate efforts to make that work in a highly multi-threaded 
environment where concurrency will need to be dealt with with greatest 

No, the "average" pluggin dev won't be able to come up in minutes with 
a rock solid storage layer portable to a myriad of platforms. And this 
is precisely what SQLite has been thru over years.

As has already been pointed out, storing largish private data in 
compressed JSON or log file(s) will be (beyond often being a greater 
resource hog) a real nightmare when several tabs/windows will possibly 
need to concurrently read/modify/write stuff in there. Writing rants 
about SQLite being a resource hog and a performance breaker is one 
thing, guiding towards a clean way to replace it in practice is another 
(mystical) beast, at least for the average pluggin developper.

Then another question remains: instead of putting the onus on SQLite 
being huge (footprint) and slow (CPU, the 22s "example"), why don't the 
author(s) of the blurb question the real root causes of the evil they 
condemn and openly recognize that the problem lies entirely elsewhere, 
perhaps in Mozilla core code design itself?

They almost silently agree that allowing main-thread SQL access is a 
huge no-no. They recognize that allowing unlimited use of various 
(possibly conflicting) pragmas, random schemas and/or statements could 
harm. But what those hypocritical guys don't tell you is that the root 
cause is in the cahotic spiralling development history of Mozilla.

After all, it's Mozilla devs themselves who designed pluggin APIs and 
let "spurious main-thread SQL statements" be possible. If they were 
sooo clever, they would never had allowed that and they also would have 
wrapped SQLite interface in a strictly limited set of rules enforced by 
a safe API. That, they won't tell you.

Also, if Mozilla devs were sooo much more clever than average Joe and 
sooo caring about performance, they certainly would have fixed the 
hundreds of memory leaks that plague FF users (at least on Windows and 
for almost a decade) and they would have "spring cleaned" their messy 
codebase so that one can't see JS fragments kept running after the FF 
tabs which launched it was closed and blatant bugs like these. Watch 
memory bytes slowy growing toward 2Gb while FF is left "idle" and the 
RJ45 unplugged, without any pluggin set up... Is that the fault of 
pluggin devs, Dr. Hipp laziness, or the result of their own careless work?

With today's FF W7 x64 (ditto for x86) release, you can't let it have, 
say, 30 tabs open 24/7 on "passive" forum pages (no ads, no sound, no 
video, nothing dynamic) for more than 2-3 weeks on the average. Then 
the machine gets so slow and unresponsive that you can only kill FF and 
restart it. At the time it has reopen and refreshed all the tabs, you 
witness its memory bytes now sit at 600 Mb (compared to ~2Gb before), 
with everything as functional as before killing it. Is that also SQLite 
fault or is that a sad joke?

These are things that you don't see with either IE or Chrome (each of 
them having their own drawbacks too).

In short and beyond a few trivial advises, the authors of this rant are 
either surprisingly ignorant or utterly hypocritical, but unfair at any 

I've nothing against Mozilla per se and I sincerely acknowledge that 
maintaining such a huge open product is very hard, but this page is 
simply plain wrong.

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