On 17 Jun 2015, at 3:44am, Marc L. Allen <mlallen at outsitenetworks.com> wrote:

> I don't know. Back in the day, assembly was low-level because it was directly 
> converted to machine code. C was high level because you could express more 
> complex structures without worrying about the underlying architecture. 

C was designed to be a processor-independent assembler code.  C was called 
low-level because C pointers could be used to manipulate memory and the stack.  
C was called low-level because you had to understand the platform's memory map, 
stack and word size to use it, in contrast to FORTRAN/COBOL/BASIC where you 
blindly wrote your program with no understanding of your hardware.  Thus, you 
get the argument between programmers about whether C was high-level or 

> I still like that distinction. I think people are trying to call C low level 
> simply because there are even higher level languages. It's not just 'high' or 
> 'low'. It's a spectrum.

Characteristics, perhaps.


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