Simon Slavin wrote:
> The thing I always found interesting about SQL was that it picks three
> English words, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and says that that's all you need to
> do.  And it's right !  Is there something special about the 'three-ness' of
> database operations ?  Or are you meant to think of it as two writing
> operations (INSERT, DELETE) and a convenience operation which combines them
> (UPDATE) ?  If there was another word, what would it be ?  REPLACE ?

LDAP/X.500 has Add/Delete/Modify as well. (It also has Rename, which doesn't 
really make sense for a tabular data store, but is useful for a hierarchical 
data structure.)

> Also, why is there only one English word needed for reading operations ?
> What would a database language look like if it has more than one word ?
> Would there be a difference between FIND and SCAN ?

X.500 has three separate operations Read, List, and Search. (Read = retrieve 
contents of a single entry, List = list the names of the immediate children of 
an entry, Search = search for any entries matching a filter.) LDAP combined 
all of these functions into a single Search operation. It's often considered 
to be a mistake on the part of the LDAP designers.

   -- Howard Chu
   CTO, Symas Corp. 
   Director, Highland Sun
   Chief Architect, OpenLDAP

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