On 28 June 2016 at 16:07, dandl <da...@andl.org> wrote:

> > Do not use SQLite for concurrent access over a network connection.
> Locking
> > semantics are broken for most network filesystems, so you will have
> > corruption issues that are no fault of SQLite.
> I have seen this comment made more than once on this list. Is there any
> reliable evidence to support this for a Windows-based network?
> Disclosure: we wrote and maintain an ISAM-based multi-user database
> product which relies on network locking. We have conducted exhaustive tests
> over many years and in our opinion, locking and multi-user semantics on
> Windows XP and later networks are reliable and free of errors, if performed
> correctly by the client software.

I can't comment on windows sorry, but in-house we use sqlite databases
shared between many unix clients via network file systems. Over the years
we've used nfs3, nfs4, and lustre.

These databases are subject to highly concurrent usage every working day.
In the past two years we've had maybe one corruption issue which implicated
the file system (client side logging suggested that four RESERVED locks
were obtained concurrently).

More commonly corruption has been the result of user/application

1. Users copying databases while they're being updated (leaving them with a
corrupt copy)
2. Users inadvertently symlinking/hardlinking database files
3. Our application inadvertently discarding sqlite's locks after backing up
the database (thanks POSIX locking semantics)

(3) was the main offender for us. Since figuring that out we've been left
with a very robust environment - but not bullet proof as indicated above. I
can imagine this kind of thing being sensitive to network/file system
configuration, which is not easy to diagnose as a sysadmin let alone via
email so in that sense I understand why network file systems are
discouraged on the list (aside from the fact that sqlite and its
database-level single user lock was not designed for networked concurrent

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