On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 2:17 AM, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> In response to a recent forum post and many other posts, where SQLite
> corrupt files or Index integrity was the problem at hand, I was wondering if
> we could ask for an API function that would corrupt a DB for us.

I have done some things like this in Chromium's sql/ wrapper.  There
are helpers at:

sql::test::CorruptSizeInHeader() is a helper function which uses
mostly libc operations to modify the page count in the header, which
results in SQLITE_CORRUPT for most operations.

In the same file, sql::test::CorruptTableOrIndex() is a helper which
snapshots the root page of a table or index, runs a given update
query, then restores the snapshot.  This can be used to build
mis-matched indices or tables.

These have example use in:
Of course, none of this would be directly useful, since it's written
in Chromium C++.  But it would be straightforward to write them using
libc and the SQLite C API, or your appropriate wrapper.

Unfortunately, one thing I found in this is that it's kind of hard to
inject real corruption reliably.  You have to figure out ways to be
wrong enough to be noticeable, and right enough that SQLite can make
progress to see the corruption, and then you have to make sure SQLite
is running through the code paths which will actually expose the

It might be cleaner to just have a way to do error injection.  Like
maybe something like the authorizer interface, but where it could
detect the table row/column being touched and introduce an error.  Or
maybe you could write a vtable which proxies a real table and
introduces errors.

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