On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 06:53:28PM +0100, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
> Perhaps it would be nice to change sqlite3 in that way, that (when columns
> with storage class text) these columns are converted to the host platform
> code page. But actually even in that situation you may have strings, which
> are not displayable on your screen - because you have no suitable font.

No, but having built-in functions that can do codeset conversion would
be nice.

-- convert from the default SQLite codeset/encoding (UTF-8) to a given
-- codeset
select iconv(foo, NULL, 'ISO-8859-1') from ...;

-- convert to a codeset given by some row column
select iconv(foo, from_cs, to_cs) from ...;

-- convert to the current locale's codeset
select iconv(foo, NULL, NULL) from ...;

And functions for Unicode normalization and what not would be nice as


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