Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- "D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry for the confusion. 
> No problem.
> For what it's worth, I am also curious as to the final form of the 
> VM opcode transformation. The number of opcodes generated by the various
> SQL statements seems to be roughly the same as the old scheme. At this 
> point without sub-expresssion elimination are you seeing any speed 
> improvement?

I have not even looked at performance yet.  I'm assuming that
performance will drop during the conversion process and that we
will have to fight to get it back up to previous levels after
the conversion is complete.

But consider would can be done with a register machine that
would couldn't do with the old stack machine.  In a statement
like this:


Suppose tables a and b have column c in common and unique
columns a1, a2, a3 and b1, b2, b3.  With the stack machine, 
the algorithm is roughly this:

    foreach each entry in a:
      foreach entry in b with b.c==a.c:
        push a.c
        push a.a1
        push a.a2
        push a.a3
        push b.b1
        push b.b2
        push b.b3
        return one row of result

For each result row, all columns had to be pushed onto the
stack.  Then the OP_Callback opcode would fire, causing
sqlite3_step() to return SQLITE_ROW.  The result columns would
then be available to sqlite3_column_xxx() routines which read
those results off of the stack.  When sqlite3_step() is called
again, all result columns are popped from the stack and 
execution continues with the first operation after the 

In the register VM, result columns are stored in a consecutive
sequence of registers.  It is no longer necessary to pop the
stack of prior results at the start of each sqlite3_step().
So the code can look more like this:

    foreach entry in a:
      r1 = a.c
      r2 = a.a1
      r3 = a.a2
      r4 = a.a3
      foreach entry in b where c=r1:
        r5 = b.b1
        r6 = b.b2
        r7 = b.b3
        return one row of result

When result are stored in registers, the computation of the 
first four columns of the result set can be factored out of 
the inner loop.  If there are 10 matching rows in b for every
row in a, this might result in a significant performance boost.

Do not look for this improvement right away, though.  The
first order of business is to get the VM converted over into
a register machine.  Only after that is successfully accomplished
will we look into implementing optimizations such as the above.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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