> Bill KING <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A colleague brought up a very good point. At least for the first few
>> revisions, is the old engine/code still going to be available until the
>> new engine code base settles down? 
> You can always pull the old code frm CVS and run it against
> the newer code.  We started making the switch with check-in [4652]
> on 2008-01-02.  So any CVS verious prior to that will be a pure
> stack-based machine.  
As expected, will be setting up a set of auto-tests for our particular
use-case, but that's just being a good software engineer ;)
> The changes consist of slowly adding capability to the existing
> VM so that it can work with operands on the stack or in registers.
> This continued through check-in [4700] on 2008-01-09.  After [4700],
> all operations can be done using register operands, though the
> code generator still uses the stack for many things.  Since then
> and moving forward, we are converting the code generator to use
> registers rather than the stack, and we are removing stack
> capabilities from the VM as those abilities lapse from use.
> Toward the end of the process, we will completely remove the
> operand stack from the VM.
One hell of a challenge, but in the end, I do agree with you, there's
been a lot of knowledge around for a long time on register based
optimisations, and with an infinite register machine, some really
amazing optimizations can occur, agreed. Besides, all the cool kids are
doing it too ;)
> During the conversion process, SQLite will likely be slower and
> use more memory.  But all regression tests are suppose to pass 
> after each check-in.  So we hope to avoid introducing any bugs.
> Once the conversion is complete, we hope to be able to reduce
> the memory footprint of each sqlite3_stmt object and make them
> run a little faster too.  But we need to get a correctly functioning
> pure register VM first.
This part I'm happy with "all regression tests are supposed to pass" :)
I'm still going to wait a point or two before production tho, but that's
again just careful management. Looking forward to this tho in the long run.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Bill King, Software Engineer
Trolltech, Brisbane Technology Park
26 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains, 
QLD, Australia, 4113
Tel + 61 7 3219 9906 (x137)
Fax + 61 7 3219 9938
mobile: 0423 532 733

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