On 25 May 2009, at 6:58pm, Sam Carleton wrote:

> Example:  Following the logic of the ScrollingCursor page, lets assume
> a total result set of 88 titles.  If the lasttitle happens to be the
> 29th title, so the set that is returned is 30 through 34, how do I
> determine that this is the 6th page of a total of 18 pages?

You're going to have to know how many rows are displayed on a page.   
When you get your initial results back from the table, count the  
number of rows (or use the library function that returns it) and  
divide one by the other.  This gives you (more or less) the number of  
the last page of results.

As well as keeping track of which page you're on, keep the current  
page number in a variable.  Just modify it when they hit 'next' or  

However, there's another way to do it.  If you know that you're never  
going to have more than a couple of hundred results, why display them  
as pages at all ?  Display them all, and provide a search function  
which lets people see just the records which contain their search  
field.  This is faster and more efficient than asking your users to  
wade through many pages.

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