Bernhard Mogens Ege wrote:
> Build_all.bat fails as it seems vsSp.bat detects that I have VS2008
> installed, but this is installed by SQL 2008 R2 and lacks pretty much
> everything (used for business intelligence design only and has no C#/C++
> compiler).

Yeah, the Visual Studio detection logic in the batch file tools is somewhat

> I looked closer at build_all.bat and ended up with these commands that
> created the 2010 Win32/x64 setup files:
> SET YEARS=2010
> Build_all.bat
> Bake_all.bat

Those commands seem perfectly reasonable to me.  In fact, the YEARS
environment variable *is* designed to be overridden in such a manner just
in case the Visual Studio detection logic will not work correctly on a
particular machine.

> This seems to have made the build system skip the VS2008 generation
> completely and without errors, but I am not certain it is a safe way to do
> it (seems so, though).

Yes, this should be fine.

> Final question: what is the difference between the bundle and non-bundle
> setup files? I tried viewing the download page but I cannot view it. I
> get the About wiki page. I tried Firefox, Opera, Chrome and IE9 and none
> them could show the download page.

The bundle packages contain the mixed-mode assembly, which itself contains
the native and managed code used for interacting with SQLite.  The
packages contain separate native and managed assemblies that are used
to interact with SQLite.

Joe Mistachkin

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