NFLnut wrote: 
> I think I figured it out (how to successfully run the 'findstr'
> command). I originally input 'findstr server.prefs.' I just now ran it
> as 'findstr shuffle server.prefs' and got back the following:
> _ts_shuffle: 1465422908
> shuffle: 0
> _ts_shuffle: 1464883863
> shuffle: 0
> _ts_reshuffleOnRepeat: 1464724499
> reshuffleOnRepeat: 0
mea culpa i forgot the shuffle in front of the path (cause i looked in
the wiki to find the real path and forget it)

So this output is not that helpful as i might thought. 0 is the value
for NOT shuffle.

Is the [shuffle] button on the lms webgui "dark"? (when mouse over it
what is written in the text)?

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