You told me to search for XML files in my iTunes folder and found two of
them: #1 was "iTunes Library.xml"  last modified today and #2 was
"iTunes Music Library.xml" modified Dec 13, 2016. I took a wild chance
and moved #2 to the Desktop (as it had not been modified in 4 months),
did a Restart, and then a Rescan. Now the rescan showed 181 playlists
imports (!!!!) and my Squeezeboxes play these three new playlists AND
all 18 songs in PSA. WOW!

Excellent! I could probably improve the logic to cover for this problem.

Only one more question - is it safe to move this #2 xml folder last
modified Dec 13, 2016 from the Desktop to the Trash? I guessing OK but I
am not sure.

Yes, those files are created by iTunes automatically, whenever they need to be updated. And the old one, well, is no longer being used anyway.


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