Well chaps, we seem to have come full circle...

Mysteriously a little earlier the problem where LMS wasn't showing on my
various apps on my phone, sorted itself out and I could then access my
MP3s from my Win10 PC on my phone. Still not sure how it resolved

Bizarrely, as soon as I unchecked the plugin by Andy, LMS disappeared
from my phone app. As soon as I re-enabled the plugin, LMS re-appeared
on my phone. Obviously the two events are connected in some way.

So, in a round about sort of way, if LMS isn't showing on my phone, I
just disable Andy's plugin and then re-enable it and LMS re-appears. I
don't know enough technically about what's going on here, but
coincidence or not, it seem to have solved my original problem of
getting LMS to show on my phone.

I think we should all go and have a lie down now and close the ticket on
this one! :)

Thanks guys, I think I would have pulled out my last remaining hairs if
you hadn't pointed me in various directions!



Kettering, UK
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