digimaster wrote: 
> Hmmm according to some things I saw in you're posting. There also is
> some thing wrong in LMS.
> Try this do touch .NOMAJOR in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer. And then
> ./QLogitechMediaServer.sh restart. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

I have changed grep -m in .config/.TROUBLE so that there's no grep error


[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # touch .NOMAJOR
[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
./QLogitechMediaServer.sh restart
Gone restart LogitechMediaServer !
LogitechMediaServer was already stopped !
Fixing owner/right's for squeezeboxserver on SlimServer/ the old way !  

Starting LogitechMediaServer in the Background.
LogitechMediaServer could not start, gone try again in failsafe mode !  

Fixing owner/right's for squeezeboxserver on SlimServer/ the old way !  

Starting LogitechMediaServer in the Background.

PING ; qnapclub.eu DIG ; qnapclub.eu Error
on [AVAHI] in QTS!
PING ; qnapclub.eu DIG ; qnapclub.eu Error
on [AVAHI] in CHROOT !

[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # cat
[00:56:21 26-04-2020] Gone restart LogitechMediaServer !
[00:56:21 26-04-2020] LogitechMediaServer was already stopped !
[00:56:36 26-04-2020] Updating is completly disabled !
[00:56:38 26-04-2020] Used old way to fixing Qwner/rights setting!
[00:56:38 26-04-2020] LMS has been start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001
--user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
--priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
[00:56:49 26-04-2020] LogitechMediaServer could not start, gone try
again in failsafe mode !
[00:56:52 26-04-2020] Updating is completly disabled !
[00:56:53 26-04-2020] Used old way to fixing Qwner/rights setting!
[00:56:53 26-04-2020] LMS has been start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001
--user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
-d_startup --failsafe]

[/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # cat
[QNAP info] :
QNap Model: TS-431P
QNap Nas-system Platform: armv7l
System: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
QTS Version: 442
System String : Linux QNAP-TS431P 4.2.8 #2 SMP Mon Apr 13 06:08:14 CST
2020 armv7l unknown

[The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

[The Qnap configuration] :
[QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
[Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1     1.8T    889.1G    916.5G  49%

[The system mounts]:
/dev/shm on
type none (ro,bind)
/proc on
type none (ro,bind)
/tmp on
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
none (rw,bind)
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
type none (rw,bind)
/share/external on
type none (rw,bind)
/mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
type none (ro,bind)

The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly

[Network check] :
PING ; qnapclub.eu DIG ; qnapclub.eu Error
on [AVAHI] in QTS!
DBus Socket ; available

[Perl check] :
[ archname=arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int version=5.28.2 ]

The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
The LogitechMediaServer will be/was started by [squeezeboxserver] with
[/usr/sbin/chroot] !
LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
Using LMS included audio prgs's !
Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
Auto Update function is completly [DISABLED] !
The installed LMS Release [8.0.0] Nightly Version [1587733765]!

[The LogitechMediaServer uses options on startup] :
[--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
--priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
No squeezeboxserver services running !

[Network check in chroot] :
PING ; qnapclub.eu DIG ; qnapclub.eu Error
on [AVAHI] in CHROOT !
DBus Socket ; available

QLogitechMediaServer version : [2.20.00]

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