Youŕe to mutch looking in the code.
Leave it, sure because of you're several busybox version, where the
oldest handles the command is a issue.
But that can be fixed on a very easy way.
But the basic is it should start LMS without trouble.

Now i saw this in one off the logs you shared.

The following modules are loaded after the first attempt:

The following modules are loaded after the second attempt:

The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech
Media Server:
Image::Scale (loaded 0.14, need 0.08)

And thats a bigger problem, and somewhere inside LMS i think
The following modules are loaded after the first attempt:

The following modules are loaded after the second attempt:

The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech
Media Server:
Image::Scale (loaded 0.14, need 0.08)

That why i want you to do PERL=1, so it will switch to 5.24

For ping and df, you where a great help.
Due to you're info changed it, so QLogitechMediaServer is more
compatible with other and older QNap system.
You' re feels like a compleet other system, wish i could had a look on
you're QNap what happing.
As those error some times are great help to solve thing, and make
QLogitechMediaServer work on the several QNap out there

dream wrote: 
> No. I added a new line PERL=1 just below and left the line untouched.
> RENICE="-10"                    # ( -10 )       [ A value between -20 (
> high prio ) and 20 ( low prio ), empty "" will deactivated it. ( QTS 4.2
> or lower it can be added by optware ) ]
> IONICE="-c 2 -n 3"              # (-c 2 -n 3)   [ System option to make
> LMS aware of used and running resources. Very helpful on a server,
> nassystem ! ]
> #PERL=0                         # ( 0 )         [ If set will uses
> lowest version perl included ! ]
> PERL=1
> #AUDIO=0                        # (   )         [ If set will use
> suppled with QLogitechMediaServer, otherwise build from LMS if used ! ]
> #PLYLSTDR=1                     # ( 1 )         [ Set writing rights on
> PlayListDir if set and exist ! ]
> In .config/.SYSCHECK, the version check is done by the code below.
> [[ -L ${LMS_BASE}/usr/bin/perl ]] && /bin/echo -e
> "\n[${BLUE}Perl check${NC}] :" && ARGS=$(chroot ${LMS_BASE}
> /usr/bin/perl -V:archname -V:version) && ARGS=${ARGS//["'";]} &&
> /bin/echo -e [ ${GREEN}$ARGS${NC} ] || /bin/echo -e "${RED}Perl is
> mising or corrupted !${NC}"
> I did it manually, 
> # chroot
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/
> /usr/bin/perl -V:archname -V:version
> archname='arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int';
> version='5.28.2';

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*
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