Welcome Don.

You have a very exciting Grandpa in my view--he lives on with you, be sure
you record and keep everything you know or remember of his
experiences--it's history we must keep, for the number of  the original
steam engineers are fast disappearing from this earth.

I am pleased--delighted- that one of your hobbies is also miniature
gardening which I do to support the trains. After all, some visitors are
not train crazy like me and others.--However, when garden clubs visit,
suddenly their interest leaves the garden and focuses on the trains. Mostly
ladies, they go "apes" on the Aster Grasshopper because of the motion and
"cutness" of the carriages.

Now, since you are a minister, you could become our resident
Chaplain--covering all religions, of course! My sister's husband was a
Congregational minister in England for over 50 years-still  active.

As Clark LORD writes:

Welcome Don!  And may the peace of the Lord be with you always.

Keep us informed on your progress--.



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