on 30/3/01 7:49 pm, steve at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Other avocations are bonsai trees, miniature gardening, and garden ponds, so
>> you can understand why this hobby is a natural for me.  Since I started
>> learning and planning about three months ago, it has brought me countless
>> happy hours and has brought me into contact with some very fine people in New
>> Mexico and on the internet.
Welcome to the group Don.
It is good to see that people are nowadays looking to combine live steam
operation with miniature gardening on your side of the pond.  I am not a
gardening expert, but I do like to run my live steam powered trains through
living scale scenery rather than giant nodding daffodils.  If you are
interested I can send you a small jpeg (off list) of my scenic efforts.
it is interesting isn't it that so many padres are interested in railways.
from the Rev. Malan's very early photographs of the old broad gauge Great
Western Railway to the Rev. Awdrey, creator of Thomas the Tank Engine and
the many well known "modellers of the cloth".  I suspect that the Almighty
also likes bucolic branch lines or arcadian shortline pikes :-)


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

ICQ* 96182312


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