on 30/3/01 9:32 pm, Geoff Spenceley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Tag, you may be surprised how many steamers on this side of the pond do
> run their steam trains thru miniature gardens--probably more so than in the
> UK!  They are just not mentioned much on this list.
> All the few steamers in this rural area--(5 if us)  do so!
> Can you send me the JPEG too- off list--Wow, have you opened a can of
> worms!  OK, worms?- they keep my GR soil active!

Hi Geoff

Certainly I will send - day after tomorrow when I get back from the 16mm
AGM.  I always keep a pretty close eye on what is going on in the US via
SitG and Garden Railways and the perception is that the scenic lines have
always tended to be electrically powered.  I would love to be proven wrong
on this:-) There have always been some good scenic steam lines in the US of
course.  I remember with pleasure the late Grover Devine's garden railway
and his articles in early copies of both SitG and garden railways.


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway Co
Trematon Office

ICQ* 96182312


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