Fellows,  I wasn't going to get involved you your scaling discussions as I
don't feel up to your capacities.  But why scale water?  If the scale is
22.5 to 1 and a little locomotive will run 20 minutes on one watering and
fueling, which is 1/3 of and hour, that times 22.5 is 7.5 hours of running
without stopping.  Was there ever a steam locomotive that was supposed to
run 7.5 hours without stopping for some reason or another and the engineer
did not say "filler up"?

Hi Geoff.  Luz sends you a big kiss.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shyvers, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 6:40 PM
Subject: RE: Flying Scotsman scale weight

> Geoff,
> And I seem to remember from model yacht design that the specific gravity,
> density, and surface tension of water don't scale at all, which I am sure
> has implications for our steamers, too.
> But I am too muddled after a long day in harness to think about it much. I
> guess I'll head for the barn and pretend to tinker with the latest loco
> project.
> Take care.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Spenceley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 4:26 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
> Subject: RE: Flying Scotsman scale weight
> Right "Arry and Steve!
> It works both ways!  but Steve,  we are only scaling down from the
> prototype, not scaling up from the model.--Ugh--the prototype would sink
> thru the ballast!!  However boiler pressure could  be a couple of thousand
> PSI!
> With the model cab sides 004 matl as Harry rightly writes--I wouldn't need
> a wreck--just picking it up would crush the cab!
> How did we get into this????? Was it me--I forget!
> Back to Walt's  and Jim's P and Qs, yes and Gs too--in a Brit pub, of
> course.
> Gallon Gulping Geoff.
> And from the other direction:  a simple 1/32 boiler made from copper pipe
> >would be 2" thick at full scale. That would be a heavy boiler.
> >
> >Steve
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Harry Wade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:35 PM
> >To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
> >Subject: Re: Flying Scotsman scale weight
> >
> >
> >At 12:22 PM 9/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >>If our model weights were more to scale and therefore flimsier, my train
> >>wrecks would be more prototypical!!
> >
> >Geoff old bean,
> >      I would venture to suggest that if our model material THICKNESSES
> >were to scale then your wrecks might be more prototypical.  1/8" cab
> >for instance would become .004" material, much more capable of
> >buckling.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Harry
> >


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