On 11/11/02 5:31, "Phil Paskos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> O.K. I'll bite on this one too. I've never seen any Roundhouse that spewed
> oil all over the track. Also, the expression" runs like a Roundhouse" is a
> compliment on their design and quality control that they deserve.
> Phil
Hmmm.  Mine do.  As do any other make of locomotive once fitted with my
chuff pipe.  In fact the steam oil has to go somewhere and I prefer it to
drop between the frames rather than out of the stack and all over the
locomotive and train....but then my rails are not electrified for LGB or
similar plastic rats (ducks rapidly) :-)

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office


Directors: T. Gorton, Madame E. Lash

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