My Roundhouse Colonial sees far more running than my Ida and Exclesior for
these same reasons,  It will run for 30 minutes with only an occasional stop
for some more meths.  I do a lot of cussing when I run the gas burners,
once the wicks are initially adjusted on a meths burner they have a very
consistant burn.  The gas burners need constant adjustment and do not hold
enough fuel for my liking.  I may change my Ida to a Tram engine with a new
boiler with a  meths burner and the Exclesior may get a larger fuel tank.
I do not mind refueling during a run or using the goodall valve for more
water but I find having to refill fuel and water during the same run too
much trouble.  This is the reason why I passed on the Accucraft Shay engine,
I really did not like the way the Ida and Excelsior operated.

Steve Ciambrone

> -----Original Message-----
> I miss the older
> Roundhouse engines - quiet alcohol fired, pot boilered, nice(r)
> cylinders.

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