Hi Clark,

Does the burner in the 1.5" scale shay require preheating before turning on the kerosene (or #2 diesel) supply? The reason I ask is that my old Primus stoves required that the burner be preheated in order to vaporize the kerosene. After the burner was alight with vaporized kerosene then it would maintain a sufficiently high temperature to keep the vaporization going.

If one let the kerosene flow to the burner before it was hot enough then the kerosene remained liquid and produced only a small, yellow, and smokey flame that was useless. Vaporized kerosene produced a blue, hot flame.

Steve Shyvers

was lightd


Yes my 1.5 scale narrow gauge shay uses kerosene or #2 diesel for fuel. However
the burner is nothing more than a 4 x 6 inch plate with air holes coming through
the bottom and the fuel floods the plate. Nothing at all like a blowtorch. I
still have my dad's blowtorch he used to melt lead used when sealing black iron
sewer pipes.

My burner can roar like a blowtorch when the blower is up high or when the
engine is working hard.  Maybe that's what you heard Bob.



I guess I am thinking of some of the larger scale ones that I have seen.
Clark, your 1" is kerosene, right?

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