One can only hope that the thief is ready for the classic "World's dumbest
crooks list or TV viewing" which means the loco will turn up soon enough to
enable this likely gorgeous loco to be manufactured and for the rest of us
to run the loco as budgets allow.
Have you posted a picture of the loco so we might identify it and notify the
manufacturer?  The picture might have contact info for reporting sightings.

I suggest anyone who ID's the loco find a newscrew to film the arrest so we
can enjoy watching the event.
Gary - Running trains over Terror Trestle in Eugene, Oregon

This I think was an opportunist theft via the path alongside the premises.
If the lowlife had known anything about the subject at all he would know
that a model like this would be difficult to safely sell.

Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office


Directors: T. Gorton, Madame E. Lash


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