On 21/8/03 5:50 pm, "Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One can only hope that the thief is ready for the classic "World's dumbest
> crooks list or TV viewing" which means the loco will turn up soon enough to
> enable this likely gorgeous loco to be manufactured and for the rest of us
> to run the loco as budgets allow.

There is one at http://www.mylargescale.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=15260.
Or at http://www.modelsteam.co.uk/ If you look you can see the footpath by
the trees at the back.  This is a simple pre-production model with nothing
in the way of detail.  The production models will look rather different.
Luckily the locomotive was almost redundant in terms of design work and
these models will start rolling in about a week and I am waiting for one
myself which I hope to collect at the end of the month.
I did run this model on several occasions and particularly enjoyed the fact
that the gas burn lasts one and a half hours without even trying. I decided
to buy one after running for around half an hour and then leaving the loco
simmering in a refuge siding while we ate lunch beside the train.  I then
continued running for another forty minutes before running out of gas. The
loco is also able to be ready to steam in just over a minute and has the
best chime whistle I have ever heard.  Tender holds about two hours of water
before stopping at a water tower.
The American version is weeks away........
Lowlife can be incredibly stupid.  Steve Tucker built his first garden
railway in St Ives Cornwall.  The line was visible from a spot passed by all
the summer holidaymakers and drew crowds when it was in steam.  It was the
only one in the town and known by almost everybody.  This particular no-neck
ripped up some of the track and tried to sell it to the only model shop in


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office


Directors: T. Gorton, Madame E. Lash

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