I have to admit, the only times I've wondered what client someone's using, I've asked them directly. You know, using the wetware layer. "What client are you using?". It's an old fashioned way of doing it, but it works really well, and gets you quite a bit of additional freeform metadata.

I suppose this new fangled version thing would work okay, too, there's no pressing need for me to know, though, most of the time.

However... I hate to lose potential functionality out of a protocol - it feels wrong. I've no better argument than that, though.

As was noted, it provides a good 'default' icon for people who don't have a buddy icon set. You can set a little trident for anyone using Psi, and so on.

Beyond that, I can't think of a good reason for it, but add as an anecdotal note when I pulled displaying the client version in tooltips out of the early builds of Astra, the testers howled bloody murder until I put it back. So, for whatever reason, I can attest that my users actually do want it. :)

Rachel Blackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Trillian Messenger - http://www.trillianastra.com/

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