On Wed Jul  4 10:57:10 2007, Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:
Not sure what attack he mentioned, but there is collision project.
Collisions in time of minutes on PC, and there is something about
generating a colliding data with some prefix if I understand it well
(there was something it can generate data that has given MD5 and with
some initial hash state or so).

And again, this is a collision attack, not a preimage attack. They're entirely different attacks, and collision attacks, whilst worrying, are not applicable to us.

In simpler terms, the attacker gets to pick both messages to form an arbitrary hash, and in this case, it *is* possible to generate two messages which produce the same MD5 hash quite quickly. (Seconds, which is highly impressive).

Our attacker cannot pick one of the messages - that's fixed by the client developer. FWIW, this is the same case as the vast majority of uses of MD5 - the attacker has to find a message which produces the same hash as an existent, often known, message. This requires a preimage attack, not a collision attack. Because MD5 is single-pass, then if there is a certain prefix to the legitimate message which is known, there's a possibility of mounting something similar - in the case on that webpage, you can add a suffix to the original message which changes the hash to be one that you can find a collision for.

However, you certainly don't have full freedom here - the only way an attacker could change the legitimate message in our case would be by subverting the development process of the legitimate client and selecting a suitable capability list. The only way they're likely to do this undetected would be by somehow finding a capability list that appears genuine *to the developers*. I don't see this as a possibility.

These prefix collision attacks are based on adding random data to the end - as far as I'm aware, it's still not practical to generate even a prefix collision where the suffix data is restricted. (My suggestion about a zillion messages back in this thread of using a more stringent format would help here, and the mere fact that capabilities are us-ascii strings would, I think, prevent this sort of attack on its own).

That all said, I should stress that I'm far from being a crypto-head, and I'm still of the opinion that this is all way too expensive an attack to mount. Subverting the server outright would not only gain you the ability to pollute caps, but trick clients in numerous more interesting ways, and that strikes me as a much more fruitful attack strategy. Especially as, in as much as I can tell, subverting the server is the easiest method to mount a caps-pollution attack.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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