18 aug 2008 kl. 04.20 skrev Peter Saint-Andre:

Matthew Wild wrote:
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 2:21 AM, Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Pavel Simerda wrote:
Ok, just... couldn't this be at least partially automated (not to
have the sure check himself)? If it's not possible, never mind.
Sure it could. I'm not sure if we really need that, given that members-only rooms are relatively uncommon, but we could presumably define a data form or
ad-hoc command for the automated flow if we really need to.

I'm leaning toward crossing that bridge when we come to it. My reason
for bringing invite-only rooms was not to suggest they should be done,
just that this protocol takes away the possibility to implement them
(and it happens to be something I was thinking about a couple of weeks
ago). We don't have invite-only rooms, but IRC doesn't have
members-only rooms.
I can't think of many cases an invite-only room would be called for,
unless it is an admin doing the inviting, in which case it is easy to
add invitees to the member list. That, or just use a password, as
exampled in this XEP.

Agreed. Members-only rooms seem much more natural than invite-only rooms, especially because we have authenticated identities. IRC doesn't have authentication, so they might need some kind of cryptographic invitations, but AFAICS that's overkill for XMPP.

How do I know as a MUC administrator that all identities are authenticated properly? Participants may come from several jabber domains, over which I have no administrative insight.


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