Pavel Simerda wrote:

This would also affect the best practice in protocol changes and
versioning. I personally believe this would provide more help than harm.
For version 0, incompatible changes would by allright, for higher
versions it would be sensible to add new features as optional (we
still have discovery) and possibly, in the future, they would be
marked REQUIRED all at once with a major protocol change.

I believe the incompatible changes for higher versions would be rare.

That's what we strive for. Certainly once something is Final, and usually when something is Draft. But I don't see exactly how the namespace versioning helps us here -- what we need is more discipline about standardization, not fancy namespacing. If the latter helps us be more disciplined, that's great. If not, it's just confusing. IMHO.

But I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. :)


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